20 July 2014 Visit of the Executive Committee and Members of the «Charles S. Peirce Society” to Arisbe, Charles S. Peirce’s home during the last years of his life, and to his grave in Milford Pennsylvania, USA. July 20-21, 2014. [foogallery id="7671"]...
16 July 2014 Charles Peirce International Centennial Congress, “Invigorating Philosophy for the 21st Century,” University of Massachusetts Lowell -USA. July16-19, 2014. [foogallery id="7674"]...
5 July 2014 2nd “Cultural Promenade in the Footsteps of Aristotle and Alexander the Great: Naoussa-ancient Mieza-Vergina-ancient Stageira- Mount Athos cruise», οrganized for the participants of the “4th Biennial Conference on Presocratics.” July 5-6, 2014. [foogallery id="7676"]...
30 June 2014 4th Biennial International Congress of the “International Association for Presocratic Studies” June 30-July 4, 2014. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. [foogallery id="7678"]...
29 June 2014 2nd “International Colloquium on Aristotle.” Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle Studies, AUTH. Lecture by Anthony Preus who was awarded the title of the Honorary Fellow of DIKAM. June 25, 2014. [foogallery id="7682"]...
4 June 2014 2nd “International Colloquium on Aristotle.” Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle Studies, AUTH. Lecture by George Contogiorgis who was awarded the title of the Honorary Fellow of DIKAM. June 4, 2014. [foogallery id="7688"]...
14 May 2014 2nd “International Colloquium on Aristotle.” Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle Studies, AUTH. Lecture by Enrico Berti who was awarded the title of the Honorary Fellow of DIKAM. May 14, 2014. [foogallery id="7695"]...
9 April 2014 2nd “International Colloquium on Aristotle.” Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle Studies, AUTH. Lecture by Peter Hacker. April 9, 2014. [foogallery id="7700"]...
26 March 2014 2nd “International Colloquium on Aristotle.” Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle Studies, AUTH. Lecture by Richard McKirahan. March 26, 2014. [foogallery id="7703"]...
12 March 2014 2nd “International Colloquium on Aristotle.” Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle Studies, AUTH. Lecture by Thomas Calvo, who was awarded the title of the Honorary Fellow of DIKAM. March 12, 2014. [foogallery id="7706"]...