Aristotle-Confucius Symposium on Ethics for the 21st Century
The “Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle Studies” (DI.K.A.M.) of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki organizes, along with the United Nations Sustainable Solutions Network (SDSN), the Academy of Athens and the China Confucius Foundation, the International Conference “Aristotle-Confucius Symposium on Ethics for the 21st Century.”
The Conference, which is held under the auspices of the XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome 2024, the Municipality of Athens and the Chinese Embassy in Greece, is also supported by the following Academic Institutions: the China Development Research Foundation, the ATHENA Research Center and the Athens University of Economics and Business (School of Economics and Business Institute Confucius).
The Conference will bring together top scholars from China, Greece, and other parts of the world, to explore how we can help to build a new global ethics for the 21st century, one that addresses global challenges while drawing on the ancient wisdom of China and Greece. Our principal guides will be Aristotle and Confucius.
The Conference will commence, on July 3-5, at the Academy of Athens and, on July 6-8, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (July 6), at ancient Stageira (July 7), hosted by the Municipality of Aristotle, and at ancient Mieza (July 8), hosted by the Municipality of Naoussa. The “Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle Studies,” A.U.Th., is in charge of the organization of those three days.
It is the first time that a meeting of such a scale and significance between the two civilizations, ancient China and ancient Greece, the influence of which has left and continues to leave its imprint all over the world, is taking place at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and at the above landmarks. This is, therefore, an event of exceptional importance, which will contribute once again – after the great success of the World Congress “Aristotle 2400 Years,” in 2016, which was organized by DI.K.A.M., A.U.Th. – to the international promotion of the emblematic figure of the Stageirite philosopher Aristotle, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, which bears his name, and Macedonia, since two of the Sessions will be held in ancient Stageira, Aristotle’s birthplace, and in ancient Mieza, the place where Aristotle taught Alexander the Great.
In the activities of the Conference, only invited speakers will participate. However, for those interested in attending the Sessions of Thursday, July 6 and Saturday, July 8 live-streaming links, according to the Conference Programme, will be available.
The Final Programme of the Symposium is available below.
Live Streaming of the Opening Ceremony, Ceremony Hall of the A.U.Th., 6/7:
Live Streaming of the Thematic Session XII, Naousa-Ancient Mieza, 8/7:
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