Workshop: “Aristotle, the great and timeless Greek philosopher“
Organization: 1st High School of Kalamaria-᾽᾽Frontistirio Trapezountos” Parents and Guardians Association, Municipality of Kalamaria and the “Interdisciplinary Center for Aristotle Studies” A.U.Th.
Date: Monday, April 18, 2016
Time: 18:30 – 21:30
Place: Small theater of the 1st High School of Kalamaria, Chilis 12
Demetra Sfendoni-Mentzou, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy of Science, A.U.Th.
Zacharias Scouras, Professor of Genetics, A.U.Th.
Stavros Avgoloupis, Professor of Astronomy, A.U.Th.
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