«Διεθνές Colloquium για τον Αριστοτέλη» Πρώτη Διάλεξη του Καθηγητή Θεοδόσιου Τάσιου και Αναγόρευσή του σε Επίτιμο Μέλος του ΔΙΚΑΜ. 12-12-2012 Post navigation Meeting of the Board of DIKAM with the Mayor of the Municipality «Aristotelis», Mr. Michos, at the office of DIKAM. 2013.1st “International Colloquium on Aristotle.” Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle Studies, AUTH. Lecture by Tereza Pentzopoulou-Valala, who was awarded the title of the Honorary Fellow of DIKAM. January 9, 2012.